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A brief history from the KlezPO Chronicles

Of many of the listed events we have Pictures.


January 17th: first rehearsal
June 4th: first ever performance at the the Klezmer & Jazz Festival in the Kreiensen train station.
This was planned to be a one-time event for the KlezPO. We had one piece to play, no encore.
September 4th: second performance at the Jewish Community Center. Five new pieces!
September 7th: third performance at „Offenes Singen“ (public sing-along) in the restaurant of the Junges Theater in Göttingen


February 27th: 4th performance, in the regional clinic in Göttingen
March: beginning of weekly rehearsals
October 27th to 29th: first weekend retreat in Katlenburg


October 12th to 14th: second retreat in Katlenburg


November 9th: first rehearsal in the community hall of the Stephanus parish, Göttingen
September 23rd to 25th: third retreat, this time at the yYouth hHostle in Helmarshausen. From then on annually there in Fall.
November 14th: 29th concert in the Salon of the MUSA in Göttingen. This was the first full evening concert featuring the KlezPO alone.


March 28th: first open workshop with a short concluding concert in the Stephanus community hall. We recruited four new members!
September 4th: first benefit concert in the Stephanus community hall. The proceeds went to the Stephanus community to pay for the extra costs we created for heatingfor using the hall. This was to offset the minimal, rather symbolic rent the community takes for use of the hall.
November 10th: KlezPO plays live music for Klezmer dancing with dance instructor Sigrid Nordhausen. An attempt was made to institute a regular Klezmer dance event with live music every three months., butUnfortunately, not enough people came, so the program was discontinued.


March 13th: Open workshop in Duderstadt
May 7th–9th: We now have a second yearly weekend retreat in the Spring, in or near Göttingen


June 17th: the KlezPO wins 3rd place in the All-Niedersachsen Orchestra Competition


June 17th and June 24th: in Göttingen and Reinhausen, the KlezPO played two concerts for the „Göttinger Psalter 2012“, a special program of Psalms, including three scores by Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894) presented by the Cappella Vocale Göttingen (Rolf-D. Bartels, Director).


January: our live-CD!
August 16th: KlezPO plays at the Welcome Party on the evening before the “Deutschlandfest” of the the Social-Democratic Party in Berlin


March 21st: our 90th concert to celebrate KlezPO’s 10th anniversary


Several members leave the orchestra on behalf of their age and for others reasons. At the end of the year there are only twelve members and the conductor left.
In autumn the new Pastor of the Lutheran Stephanus Community takes care that we cannot rehearse in the community hall anymore because of coming construction works (that never came). We move into the home of a sports association. A couple of months later the Pastor had to leave Stephanus, too.

2017 / 2018

We rearranged parts of the old repetoire for the smaller line-up and rehearsed a lot. It is enough for gigs of max. 50 minutes. New pieces are being added.
Wir haben Teile des altes Repertoires für die neue, kleinere Besetzung überarbeitet und heftig geprobt. Es reicht für eine Anzahl Auftritte von maximal ca. 50 Minuten Dauer. Neue Stücke kommen hinzu.


In autumns 2019 we play two complete concerts with good and entertaining programms. We are planning the next year.
Im Herbst spielen wir erstmals wieder zwei Konzerte in voller Länge mit gutem und abwechslungsreichem Programm. Wir haben schon erste Konzertplanungen fürs nächste Jahr.


A concert in Göttingen being planned for end of February has to be postponed to April because of the warnings against a heavy storm. But because of the upcoming pandemic is has to be cancelled again.
The members are receiving plans for their practicing at home. From July through September we are rehearsing again sitting far from another and with open windows.


The hope never died. After summer we are having first gigs.
Es keimt vorsichtige Hoffnung. Ab dem Sommer kommen erste Auftritte.


Rehearsals and concerts started again as before the pandemic, and strangely: We are getting payed better than ever before.

What is missing here: a huge amount of work that has led to a huge repertoire.

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