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The KlezPO Repertoire

as in August 2024
… almost endless lots of wonderful music!

0 Klezmer Dances1 Yiddisch Songs
2 Eastern Europe3 Other Sources
4 Medleys etc.5 Occasions
6 Sacred Music7 Yiddish Songs to Sing Along
8 SephardicKlar Clarinet Quartet
LH Songs by Lotti HuberSoz Workers's Songs
WW Works of William Weiner
ZZ Session Music


active part of the actual programme
adapt. adapted
arr. arranged
comp. composed by
inactive not in the actual programme; quite a lot of these pieces can be revived within 2 – 3 weeks
special can be revived for special occasions
trad. traditional
WU Wieland Ulrichs

0 Klezmer Dances

  • 001–005 arr. Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, Chicago

    001 Block 1 active: Freylekhs fun der khupe / Kolomeyke, Michael Gómez, five string banjo — older version on CD / YouTube

    002 Block 2 rehearsing soon: Zol zayn gelebt, Carsten Fette, clarinet — older version on CD YouTube

    003 Block 3 active, our standard encore: Serba din NY / Ruski Sher / Lebedik un freylekh — on CD / YouTube

    004 Block 4 inactive: Freytog nokh’n tsimis / Odessa Bulgar — on DVD / YouTube

    005 Block 5 special: Mazel Tov Mekhutonim, congratulating the parents in law

    006 Freylakhs-Trilogy inactive, trad., arr. WU

    007 Patsh tants active, trad., arr. WU

    008 Khosidl / Skotshne special, trad., arr. WU, for workshops

    010 Hora / Serba inactive, trad., arr. WU — on YouTube

    011 Khosn kale mazel tov active, trad., arr. WU, congratulating bride and groom — older version on CD

    012 Alexandrovsky Valts inactive, trad., arr. WU

    013 Galitsianer tantz / Zhumzhe Serba active, Shloimke Beckerman / Dave Tarras, arr. WU, Verena Kalinke, flute, Carsten Fette, clarinet

    014 Varshaver freylekhs / Der heyser bulgar inactive, trad. / from the repertoire of Naftule Brandwein, arr. WU, Solo Carsten Fette, clarinet

    015 Araber tants rehearsing, from the repertoire of Naftule Brandwein, arr. WU, Anja Christiani-Brößler, violin, chamber music line-up

    016 Oy tate / Ot azoy inactive, Lt. Frankel‘s Orchestra 1919 / Shloimke Beckerman 1923, Carsten Fette, N.N, clarinets

    018 Freyt aykh fleytelekh / Molorossiyskiy Kozachock
    active, trad. from the repertoire of Naftule Brandwein / trad., arr. WU, Bärbel Stülpnagel, Verena Kalinke, flutes

    019 Moritzpolka active trad, arr. WU, three variants en bloc, Gerhard Kurz, bass clarinet – Nadiya Halatsan, cello – Carsten Fette, clarinet

    020 Bulgar-Trilogy active: Der beyzer Nikolayever bulgar (the bad) — Der shtiler bulgar (the silent) — Der modner Kishinever bulgar (the crazy), trad, arr. WU

    021 Freylekhs 21 special, three versions demonstrating different arrangements trad., arr. WU, 021/0 (naive band version) / 021a (KlezPO's original version, active) / 21b (orchestral version)

    022 Sher rehearsing, Marina Kuessner, violin

    023 Dovid, shpil es nokh a mol rehearsing, Dave Tarras, arr. WU, Bärbel Stülpnagel, flute, chamber music line-up: violin, guitar, and bass

    024 Romanian Hora and Serba for Nadiya active, trad., arr. WU, Solo for Nadiya Halatsan, cello

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    1 Yiddisch Songs

    101 Khadgadyo (the little goat), a song about a song, active, trad. arr. WU — on YouTube

    102 Bulbe active trad. arr. WU, "potato", about the humble menue in the shtetl, the world's most boring song — on CD / YouTube

    103 Mishpokhe (family), rehearsing soon trad., arr. WU, Diemar Buschhaus, clarinet and vocals — on CD

    104 Arbetlozer-marsh active, Mordechai Gebirtig, arr. WU, Diemar Buschhaus, clarinet and vocals, Carsten Fette, clarinet — on CD

    105 Tsen brider inactive, trad., arr. Erwin Jospe 1935

    106 Four Jewish Miniatures rehearsing soon, trad., arr. Nikolai Kaufman, dedicated to Wieland Ulrichs, three vocalists and guitar

    107 Dona Dona (the calf) active lyrics Aron Zeitlin, music Sholom Secunda, from the musical "Esterke" 1943, arr. WU, Anja Christiani-Brößler / Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals, Gesang

    Dana Dana at work, four-part vocal version after Secunda's manuscript, supported by our bassoon
    108 The Four Seasons special, lyrics and music Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman (1920–2013), arr. WU, Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals

    109 Ven ikh ver a Rothshild active, Fiddler on the roof, If I were a rich man, Broadway 1964, Yiddish version anon., Mathias Wiezoreck, vocals — older version on CD / YouTube

    110 Bay mir bistu sheyn active, lyrics Jacob Jacobs, music Sholom Secunda, arr Jud Flato, Anja Christiani-Brößler / Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals — older version on YouTube

    111 Gitare inactive, trad., arr. WU, Marina Kueßner, soprano, violin, clarinet and bass

    112 KlezPO-Lid inactive, to be renewed for the actual line-up, trad., arr. WU, all instruments in different line-ups

    113 A glezele lekhayim inactive, Just a little glass for the good feeling, drinking song [hick!], trad., arr. WU, one or two singers

    115 Medley: Three Yiddish Songs from Musicals inactive, arr. Jud Flato
    Mazl: lyrics Molly Picon (1898–1992), music Abe Ellstein (1907–1963), from the most successful Yiddish movie of all times „Mamele“ (Mütterchen / little mother), script by Edmund Zayenda, Poland 1938, N.N. vocals
    Shloymele un Malkele: lyrics anon, music Joseph Rumshinsky (1881–1956), from the musical "Dos galitsiyaner rebele" (The Little Rabbi of Galicia) (1937) which was a flop because of the stupid story, but not because of the music, N.N. vocals
    Oy mame see below no. 118, Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals

    116 Tumbalalaika active, trad, arr. WU, Marian Schueßler, Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals

    117 A fidler inactive, trad., arr. Theodore Bikel, Anja Christiani-Brößler, violin and vocals, 2 violins, bass, guitar

    118 Oy mame, bin ikh farlibt active, lyrics and music Abe Ellstein (1907–1963), from the musical-movie "yidl mitn fidl" (1936), the most popular Yiddish movie, script Joseph Green (1900–1969, born Josef Grünberg, Polish Jew) and Konrad Tom, music Abe Ellstein, lyrics Itzig Manger (1901–1969), arr. Jud Flato, Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals

    119 Ershter valts inactive, music Herold Lavrentievich Kittler 1914 (1847–1916), lyrics Chaim Tauber (1901–1972), an old man remembering the first dance with her, Michael J. Gómez, vocals, guitar

    go to top
    0 Klezmer Dances1 Yiddisch Songs
    2 Eastern Europe3 Other Sources
    4 Medleys etc.5 Occasions
    6 Sacred Music7 Yiddish Songs to Sing Along
    8 SephardicKlar Clarinet Quartet
    LH Songs by Lotti HuberSoz Workers's Songs
    WW Works of William Weiner
    ZZ Session Music

    2 Eastern Europe

    201 Dansul Ursului (The Bear's Dance) , trad. Northern Romania, arr. WU, Verena Kalinke, flute — older version on CD / YouTube

    202 Habrbán inactive, instrumental, original song by Komitas Vartapet, Armenian, Arr. Sergey Aslamazian — on CD / YouTube

    203 Kalimanku Denku rehearsing, evening feelings, Bulgarian, comp. Krassimir Kyurkdjiyski (1936–2011)

    204 Romski Čoček inactive, trad. Northern Macedonia / Roma. arr. WU

    205 Kupalinka active, trad. Byelarus, arr. WU, Anja Christiani-Brößler, Tetyana Huryeva, vocals

    206 Trei jocuri bârbâteşti din Maramureş inactive, three men's dances from M., trad. Northern Romania, arr. WU, Carsten Fette, clarinet

    208 Karmer fstan active, West Armenian dance song from Musa dagh [novel by Franz Werfel], arr. Daniel Yerazhisht, Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals

    209 Doina lui Mihai active after a Romanian Doina from the Eastern Moldova region, arr. WU, Michael Gómez, violin, chamber music line-up

    210 Hava nagila rehearsing, tune from the Baltic region, Hebrew lyrics by Abraham Zvi Idelsohn 1918, arr. WU

    211 Kolomyika "A ja pidu v polonynu" inactive, Ukrainian dance song, notated 1923 by Filaret M. Kolessa (1871-1947), Tetyana Huryeva, vocals / violin

    212 Chervona ruta active, Ukrainian evergreen by Volomydyr Ivasyuk (1949–1979), arr. WU, Tetyana Huryeva, Anja Christiani-Brößler / Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals

    213 Paparudă, inactive, trad. Rumanian., arr. WU, pagan custom to care for rain with music and dance, Anja Brößler-Christiani and Marina Kueßner, vocals / violins

    go to top

    3 Other Sources

    301 Bint al-Shalabiye (Daughter of Beauty) active, instrumental version of a trad. Arabian-Palestinia love song, Arr. Oystein Bru Frantzen / Gennady Khozhevnikow — on CD

    303 O’Carolan’s Concerto inactive, comp. Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1738), arr. WU, soprano recorder N.N.

    304 Ensueño (Dream) active, Argentinian valtz, lyrics Homero Manzi, music Antonio Sureda), Anja Christiani-Brößler / Marina Kueßner, vocals

    305 Rumba inactive, komp. Dieter Kreidler, Verena Kalinke, flute

    307 El Choclo active, the first-ever tango, Angel Villoldo (1905)

    308 Song for Cri-Cri active, lyrics Anne Frank, music WU, Marina Kueßner, vocals, Dutch and German (English available). Public domain: free download

    309 Union Maid inactive, lyrics and music Woody Guthrie, arr. WU, N.N., vocals, N.N., clarinet
    311 Şiş kebab active, instrumental version of a Turkish song about lamb barbecue, trad., arr. anon.

    312 Egyptian Tango active, comp. and arr. unknown

    313 Two Faces of Klezzmates coming soon again, comp. Marcin Wiercioch (of The Klezzmates, Krakow, Poland), a Klezmer fugue …

    314 Sarabande inactive, comp. Francis Poulenc, chamber music line-up

    315 Love Like A Man active, comp. Alvin Lee ( of Ten Years After, London), arr. WU, a blues rock!

    316 An allem sind die Juden schuld active, ironical song about antisemitism, Lyrics Friedrich Hollaender, M. Georges Bizet, Dietmar Buschhaus / Hinrich Witzel, vocals

    317 AfD active, introducing right-wing politicians you would not like to have as neighbours, M. trad., Arr. + L. Wieland Ulrichs

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    4 Medleys etc.

    401 Mazel Tov! Klezmer Style inactive, trad., Arr. Jay Fishman, "Großes Mazel Tov", 8 Min., our first-ever piece

    402 Klezmer-Suite inactive, comp. Elke Tober-Vogt, lots of solo parts, 13 Min. — on CD / YouTube

    406 Apo xeno Üsküdar active trad. Turkish / Greek love song and a tune by Naftule Brandwein, arr. WU, Anja Christiani-Brößler, Mathias Wiezoreck, vocals

    5 Occasions

    502 Tsu dayn geboyrn-tog / Klezmers geboyrn-tog trad.,vocal, / anon. Ms. Karpatski Gutinki ca. 1840, instr., arr. WU

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    6 Sacred Music

    601 Kol nidre active, instrumental, comp. Louis Lewandowski 1821-1894, adapt. WU, prayer on the evening of Yom Kippur), Solo Anja Christiani-Brößler, violin, organ part can be provided

    603 Ki onu amecho active, instrumental, comp. Lewandowski,"we are all your people", Iesaia 64:9

    604 Praeludium active, comp. Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890), adapt. WU

    605 Schnirele, perele active, 1.) trad. hassidic, Mathias Wiezoreck, vocals, 2.) Postlude, comp. WU — older version on YouTube

    606 Schirm und Schutz special: Chanukka, comp. Lewandowski, adapt. WU, organ part can be provided

    607 Haneros haluli special: Chanukka, instrumental, trad., arr. WU,"These Lights", prayer while lighting the Hanukka candles, N.N., violin, N.N., guitar

    N.B. No.s 608 / 610 / 616 comp. Louis Lewandowski 1821-1894, adapt. WU, German lyrics, to be realized with a four-part mixed choir. We have scores, choir's scores, and instrumental parts.

    608 Psalm 100 special, see above "N.B." Jubelt dem Ewigen alle Lande, dt. / German

    609 Hassidic Psalm Chants 121:1+2 active, Meine Hilfe kommt von den Bergen, Hebrew, trad. chass., arr. WU, Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals, smaler line-up

    610 Psalm 23 special, see above "N.B.", Der Herr ist mein Hirte, dt., mit Sopran-Solo, with a solo part for soprano

    611 Psalmnign 23:3 active, trad. hassidic, arr. WU, Dietmar Buschhaus, clarinet, Marianne Piet, guitar

    612 Psalm 23 active, trad., Hebrew, arr. WU, Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals, Marianne Piet, guitar — on CD / YouTube

    613 Several organ preludes inactive, comp. Moritz Deutsch (1818-1892), adapt. WU

    614 Psalm 22 active, German, translated by Martin Buber [abbreviated], comp. WU), Dietmar Buschhaus, vocals

    615 Geh aus mein Klez und suche Freud inactive, a baroque church song goes Klezmer, arr. WU

    616 Psalm 67 special, see above "N.B.", Gott sei uns gnädig und segne uns, dt., with a solo part for soprano

    go to top
    0 Klezmer Dances1 Yiddisch Songs
    2 Eastern Europe3 Other Sources
    4 Medleys etc.5 Occasions
    6 Sacred Music7 Yiddish Songs to Sing Along
    8 SephardicKlar Clarinet Quartet
    LH Songs by Lotti HuberSoz Workers's Songs
    WW Works of William Weiner
    ZZ Session Music

    7 Yiddish Songs to Sing Along

    This programme for special occasions will be played with different line-ups, also smaller ones, arr. mostly WU, trad. except 702 and 711. Provided songsheets can be copied for the audience. Parts of this programme can also be played in concert.
    701 Lid fun sholem
    702 Undser shtetl brent (Mordechai Gebirtig)
    703 Ot asoy neyt a shnayder
    704 In kamf
    706 Diregelt
    707 A genejwe
    708 Ballade funm hajsl
    709 Dos lid fun Birobidzhan
    710 Tumbalalaika
    711 Dona dona
    712 Gitare
    713 Tsen brider
    714 Schalom chaverim

    8 Sephardic

    801 La rosa enflorece active, from Bulgaria, arr. Nikolai Kaufman (1925-2018), Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals, 3 violins, bass

    802 Madre mia rehearsing, Quelle wie 801 / source as 801, Marina Kueßner, Anja Christiani-Brößler, Gesang und Geigen / vocals and violins, clarinet, bass

    Klar Clarinet Quartet

    Klar 1 Zumer tsayt inactive, Jacob Gershovitz = earliest version of „Summertime“ by George Gershwin, reconstruction for four clarinets WU

    Klar 2 Three Romanian Folk Dances inactive, arr. Viktor Fortin (original for four recorders): Învârtita din Ardeal (Transsylvanian Turnaround), Din Bihor (From Bihor), Hodoroaga (Noisy Old Wagon)

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    LH Songs by Lotti Huber


    LH 1 Die ganze Welt (The Whole World) active, lyrics Loti Huber, music Thomas Marquardt, Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals

    LH 2 Wir gehen weiter (We Are Going On) active, lyrics Loti Huber, music Kai Rautenberg, Anja Christiani-Brößler, vocals

    Soz Workers's Songs

    all to sing along
    active within 2 – 3 weeks
    also relevant no.s 104 Arbetloze marsh, 107 Dona Dona, and 309 Union Maid

    Soz 1 Der yidisher internatsyonal The Internationale, original French lyrics Eugène Pottier, music Pierre Degeyter 1888, on YouTube

    Soz 2 Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit Russian folk tune, lyrics Leonid Radin, German and arr. Hermann Scherchen (1891–1966)

    Soz 3 Bundeslied lyrics Georg Herwegh (1817-1875), tune Peter Heinz (?-?), arr. Kurt Schwaen (1909-2007)

    Soz 4 Wann wir schreiten Seit an Seit lyrics Hermann Claudius (1878–1980), music Michael Englert (1868–1956)

    Soz 5 Sacco und Vanzetti 1. Morricones bulgar, WU nach E.M. 11/2012 – 2. song, Ennio Morricone, German lyrics Fr.-J. Degenhardt

    Soz 6 Ermutigung Wolf Biermann, arr. Gunnar Eriksson

    Soz 7 Die Gedanken sind frei trad.

    Soz 8 Guántanamera trad.

    Soz 9 Grândola vila morena José Afonso

    Soz 10 Bella Ciao trad.

    Soz 11 Mein Vater wird gesucht lyrics Hans Drach, music Gerda Komey

    Soz 12 Bürgerlied trad.

    Soz 13 Bandiera rossa trad.

    Soz 14 This land is your land W. Guthrie

    Soz 15 Solidaritätslied Brecht / Eisler

    Soz 16 Einheitsfrontlied Brecht / Eisler (follwoing the piano version) — Soz 16 XL orchestral version

    Soz 17 Trotz alledem music trad. Scottish, lyrics Ferdinand Freiligrath, afterlude trad. Scot. (Auld Aquaintance)

    Soz 18 We shall not be moved trad.

    Soz 19 We shall overcome Pete Seeger et al., afterlude

    Soz 20 Dem Morgenrot entgegen lyrics Heinrich A. Eildermann (1879-1955), tune "Zu Mantua in Banden"

    Soz 21 Die Arbeiter von Wien lyrics Fritz Brügel (1897–1955), tune "Roter Armeemarsch" (1920)

    Soz 22 Das Lied von der Moldau lyrics Bertold Brecht, tune Hanns Eisler

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    WW Works of William Weiner

    born 1955, Jewish composer, living in Yerevan / Armenia
    adapt. Yervand Yerznkyan

    WW 1 Jewish Tango / Yephraïnsky Tango active, Carsten Fette, solo clarinet

    WW2 Shoshonat Ya'akov / Jacob's Lily inactive, div. solos

    WW3 Shtetl coming again soon

    ZZ Session Music

    Sheets in B, Bb and Eb, with keys for alto and bass plus chord symbols so that everyone can play along the three- and four-part pieces, more or less difficult from different sources, to play at midnight … Also to be used elsewhere. Our members can get a link for downloading the material. For copyright reasons not accessible to the public

    go to top
    0 Klezmer Dances1 Yiddisch Songs
    2 Eastern Europe3 Other Sources
    4 Medleys etc.5 Occasions
    6 Sacred Music7 Yiddish Songs to Sing Along
    8 SephardicKlar Clarinet Quartet
    LH Songs by Lotti HuberSoz Workers's Songs
    WW Works of William Weiner

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